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Big Bend National Park, TX
Image 36 of 58
Saguaro Sign

This is the sign entitled Seed to Sentinel to go with the previous photo. I'll paraphrase: this tiny, shiny, black seed is planted underneath a 'nurse tree' and germinates into a small green blob; a month later you will find little prickly things coming out of the center of the blob; in 10 years, this little cactus is about 6 inches high and still protected by the bush; at 40 years you can finally come back to see white blooms at the top of the stem; at 75 years, you start to see branches; at 250 years, you will come back and see a 50 foot tall plant that birds have pecked holes - houses - in. Years later, your plant has died and its woody ribs are splaying all over the place. What a Plant!

March 2003

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